Friday 9 December 2011

Viviane Schwarz is my favourite ideas merchant. Three of my favourite stories are written by her. 'There are cats in this book' and 'There are NO cats in this book' and 'A place to call home'(nominated for the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, 2011)are very funny stories. For no particular reason other than I have talked about the book, read and re read the book at story time I will review 'There are NO cats in this book' first. This is the story of a group of cats (red and yellow pictured below) trying to escape the book to explore the big world beyond papery pages. It proves harder than they think. They try jumping out, crawling, stepping but they are still there stuck to the page. Then they wish, wish, wish very hard and they are gone, no sign of them. The book then turns blank for a several pages, a postcard appears and eventually the cats return with a nice surprise. This book makes the story and the character leap off the page. It becomes more than a story, but an idea and a game. Children are directly involved in the story, they too become characters making it a real favourite.

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